13 June 2010

I want you to care. (part 1)



Bette dropped her head in her hands. What was she going to do? She dialed the number again. Voicemail;Sorry I'm not available at the moment. Please leave a message or call me back. Bette was about to leave a tyranny of words when she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

'Everything oké in there?' Oh shit, Senator Grisham. What was she going to do? Bette was rewinding the events of the evening in her head. She had to admit that Barbara was an extraordinary woman. Attractive, sensual, clever, witty and not to mention breathtakingly beautiful. And probably wild in bed.

Another knock brought Bette out of her trance. She stood up and opened the bathroom-door. 'You're fine?' the Senator asked again. She sounded really worried. I gave her a smirk and her eyes lit up.

'I think I'm staying for another glass of that wonderful bottle of Scots.' You take my hand and lead me to your salon again. I notice how your hips sway and I can't suppress a naughty thought. Would her hips rise high when she comes?

My smirk turns into a full smile if I imagine this image. I guess I need to find out. Barbara turned around and handed me the glass.

'To fun times.' She says.

We clinked our glasses and looked into each others eyes. ' To fun times.' I rephrased her. Her cheeks were flushed and fitted perfectly with her auburn hair. She brought her lips to her glass and nipped some Scots. A drop remained on her lip. I couldn't resist bringing my thump up to brush the liquid away and just when I did so, she licked her lips. Barbara's tongue came in contact with my thump. Mmm, the second time this evening, only the roles are reversed this time, Bette thought.

Time seemed to stop, my eyes leveled up to her lips. I couldn't seem to think of anything else then kissing those gorgeous lips.

'Barbara I'm not sure that I can control myself.' My breath quickened. The Senator leaned so close to me that I could feel her breasts pressed against mine.

'Bette,' she whispered, 'then please don't.' That phrase was all I needed to lose my senses.

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